“Immersive Technology”

In June 2023, Apple unveiled the Apple Vision Pro, a wearable computer that utilizes spatial computing. Spatial computing eliminates the need for a physical screen and instead directly produces output into the user's eyes. The interface relies on eye tracking and gestures instead of a traditional keyboard. With a price point of $3,500, the Apple Vision Pro has the potential to replace traditional devices like TVs, laptops, and even cell phones, offering a new paradigm in computing and personal technology.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have different capabilities. AR enhances the real-world environment creating an interactive experience. VR immerses users in a virtual environment, providing a completely simulated experience. While these technologies may seem new, the concept of AR/VR dates back to 1968 when computer scientist Ivan Sutherland created "The Sword of Damocles," the first AR/VR device.

AR/VR technology is leaving its mark across various sectors. In healthcare, medical training is being revolutionized by enabling realistic patient scenarios. Education is being transformed, offering students the opportunity to go on virtual field trips and gain experiences beyond the boundaries of the classroom. In sports, the technology allows fans to immerse themselves in the action, interact with other fans, and feel like they're part of the game.

Let's work together to find creative solutions to ensure that every person regardless of their social identity can unlock the possibilities and benefits of this technology. How can we ensure that people in underserved communities get a chance to experience its transformative power?

Tap in with Black in Meta

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